Horse Tendon Boots


Horse Tendon Boots

In our opinion horse tendon boots should always be worn without fail when jumping your horse. Your horses deserve the best protection and we can definitely provide that with our range of tendon boots.

In everyday exercising and lunging an exercise boot will suffice, but when it comes to jumping, we would advise, taking time to review what tendon boots can deliver the best protection and optimize the horse’s performance. As a result, this can help improve the outcome of a day’s competition show jumping and make you feel so much better.

Your horse’s lower leg is dense with delicate tendons and ligaments and an area of the horse that can be very prone to injuries. Tendon boots work to protect and support delicate tendons and ligaments from overreaching when jumping.

We have assembled a great range of the Kentucky Horsewear range and KM Elite Horse Tendon Boots. Ideal for riders of all capabilities and perfect for being able to cater to a great array of requirements. Our Kentucky Horsewear Leather Sheepskin Tendon Boots are lined with gorgeous artificial sheepskin and offer great levels of protection along with a classic look.

For the best horse tendon boot on the market still today, we still believe it is the Kentucky Tendon Boot Elastic. Lightweight, with an anatomic shape and cut away at the top so as not to interfere with the knee when jumping. It is lined with perforated neoprene and hides a shock-absorbing ProTeck Impact Gel boot around the tendon and fetlock areas, plus it also has a 4mm TPU strike guard for added protection. Used by both amateur and professional showjumpers, it is definitely a tendon boot worth considering.

For horses with sensitive skin, check out the Kentucky Sheepskin Tendon Boots. Perfect for show jumping. They are styled in an extremely light and strong TPU outer shell as above, plus they are lined with Kentucky’s stunning artificial sheepskin. The boot is machine washable, so do not worry about washing the boots every few days.

Another great Tendon Boot in our range is the KM Elite Airshock Tendon Boots. Providing fantastic protection and support. The boots are lightweight, aerodynamic, and offer maximum flexibility and durability. The design is such that they rest comfortably where other boots tend to mark and rub. They are also incredibly reliable and hard-wearing thanks to their strong Velcro fastening. The KM Elite Tendon Boots are very affordable and offer great protection, even though they use state-of-the-art technology with the air shock bag, like that in the trainer of some Nike shoes.

Overall, tendon boots help to improve performance with the effect they have on the horse’s leg action. A boot that is too tall in its fit will impede the action of a horse and may well make it have a fence down, whereas a better well-fitted boot can help a horse be more careful over jumps.

Tendon boots will also absorb a lot of force and protect from a trauma that can often be caused when a horse overreached high into the leg.  They serve as protection against bumps or hits which could otherwise prove to be an issue for your horse.

Of course, reach out to us if you have any questions about our range of horse tendon boots and we will be more than happy to help you further.

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