Children's Equestrian Breeches


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Children’s Riding Breeches

Should you be looking for Children’s Breeches we stock the perfect set for the junior level rider. For any children starting out in undertaking their horse riding, they are the perfect item.

Our Harcour Jalisca Childrens Breeches are a very well made, high quality type of Children’s Breeches. Perfect for children, they are most suitable for boys and girls and their design offers excellent grip for your child whilst being worn. Their knee grip system runs along the inside of the rider’s knee. They are also water repellent and made from a bi-stretch material which enables a child to grow into them.

Within the market, Harcour are for sure a leading brand should you be looking for some breeches for your children. Overall, we do offer a great variety of Childrens Harcour items.

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