Cashel Crusader Fly Leg Guards
Crafted from the same high-quality material as the beloved Crusader® fly masks, these Cashel Crusader Fly Leg Guards feature a robust mesh construction. They offer protection against sun sensitivity and insect bites on the lower legs and pasterns.
These guards alleviate stress caused by insects and reduce the hoof, bone, and soft tissue damage due to stomping.
Designed with a snug fit, the Leg Guards include a plastic stay to prevent drooping, while the soft vinyl trim prevents the issues of burrs and grass seeds that fleece-lined wraps often encounter.
Unique for having elastic stitched into the Velcro closures, the Crusader® Leg Guards ensure a customizable fit that’s secure yet gentle.
Color: Grey mesh with grey trim.
Sold in sets of 2 leg guards in 1 packet
You can also explore our full collection of fly masks and fly sprays too.