Equine America Tye Gard Solution 1ltr
Tye Gard helps support healthy muscle function.
Tye Gard provides key antioxidant micronutrients , including Vitamin E and selenium, as well as Chelated Copper to mop up free radicals and reduce oxidative damage to muscle cells.
Also includes powerful plant-based antioxidants including Melon Pulp (a rich natural source of key antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) and Beetroot to support muscle cell membrane health
Provides bio-available calcium from Calcium Gluconate to support calcium transport across muscle cell membranes
Contains Glycine – a key amino acid for antioxidant production and muscle repair.
Equine America is BETA NOPS and UFAS accredited, making Tye Gard suitable for horses competing under FEI regulations and the Rules of Racing by reducing the risk of our products containing prohibited substances.
Quality Commitment
Equine America manufactures to a strict code of feed safety. This product has been manufactured in licenced premises using quality assured ingredients under strictly controlled production conditions and conforms to the requirements of the relevant legislation governing the manufacture of animal feeding stuffs. Equine America monitors for the presence of specified naturally occurring prohibited substances (NOPS) as required under the rules of racing and other affiliated competitions which are in line with BETA NOPS guidelines. Adherence to these guidelines ensures that the risk of occurrence of such substances is minimised.
Key Ingredients Per 30ml Serving
Vitamin E 1000mg
Calcium Gluconate 900mg
Selenium 0.75mg
Beetroot 200mg
Melon pulp (providing Superoxide dismutase (SOD))230mg
Copper 50mg
Glycine 1000mg
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